Keeper Analytics

"Sports analytics are a collection of relevant, historical, statistics that can provide a competitive advantage to a team or individual."

- Wikipedia

This says it all. We are going to collect and use the data from the videos of your keeper to provide you with a competitive advantage and help improve your performance. What we provide will help you with:

  1. Understanding Opponents: Analyzing shot patterns of opposing players can help goalkeepers understand their tendencies.
  2. Positioning: Analytics can show goalkeepers where shots are most commonly placed, allowing them to adjust their positioning and stance to cover these areas more effectively.
  3. Training Focus: By understanding the types of shots that often result in goals, a goalkeeper can focus their training on those specific scenarios. For instance, if they are conceding more goals from long-range shots, they can work on their diving and reaction speed.
  4. Decision Making: Shot analytics can help goalkeepers make better decisions during a game.
  5. Mental Preparation: Understanding shot statistics can also prepare goalkeepers mentally, by knowing what to expect and having a plan for different types of shots. This preparation can lead to increased confidence and composure during games.
  6. Performance Analysis: After games, goalkeepers can review shot analytics to analyze their performance. Understanding which shots were saved or missed can help in identifying strengths and areas for improvement.
  7. Confidence: We all remember the shots that were scored, but we don't know how many we saved. Gain confidence by seeing by seeing how many shots you save and prevent from ever being taken.