Goalkeeper Data Analytics Packages

Teams - We offer team pricing by request based on the number of keepers and projected games - Click here to get in contact.
Individuals - We offer multi-game discounts: 10% for 5-9 games, 20% for 10 or more games


Buy Now

$49.99 per game

Our top tier offering includes all Standard and Pro Features Plus:

Premier Shot Analytics:

- Shooter Location
- Keeper Location

Premier Pass Analytics:

- Passes Under Pressure
- Broken Line Passes
- Incomplete Pass Consequences

Other Statistics

- Crosses and High Balls into the box (Claimed, Parried, etc...)
- Cross and High Ball handled %
- Pick Ups (Standard and Smothers)
- Sweeper Keeper Actions

The Premier Package includes free access to all future features

New Stuff Coming Soon!

We have lots of plans to keep upgrading our offerings, below are just a few of the things that are coming in early 2024.

  • Interactive charts and graphs

  • End of Season Highlight Package